Did you say John, Paul, George?
We are a Beatles tribute band that plays only the best of the high energy Beatles songs.
To book us for private parties, casinos or to play at your corporate event
call: (613) 222-0726
e-mail us at: garybray@rogers.com

Gary Bray
Born in Cornwall Ont. Started playing in bands from the age of 14 years old. Gary's influences have been The Beatles, Paul McCartney in particular. However other bands such as Boston, Foreigner, Billy Joel, Boston and Neil Young have played a big roll in his development as a musician. Even though he has written a few songs, his real passion is performing live. Currently Gary manages two pro bands in Ottawa On. He has played in several different style bands from rock & roll to country rock to currently a Beatles tribute. Claim to fame was performing for former Prime Minister Stephan Harper.

David Allen Ranger
Studied Music at Concordia University.
The Beatles are part of the soundtrack to David's life. Learning musically all their albums as a teenager, to playing his favourites in venues across Canada and Europe. Recently David has performed several concerts celebrating the 50th anniversary of Beatles albums here in Ottawa.

With his parents being from the Liverpool area, he grew up with the Beatles from a very young age from his father's record collection. As a multi-instrumentalist, he started playing drums at 10 years old and discovered the guitar, piano and bass along the way while doing home studio recordings. Self-taught musician from the beginning, he has always prided himself as a Beatles purest and Capital Beatles is the perfect fit. To quote a friend: "You are the only person I've ever met who can play every Beatles song... on every instrument."